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Main » 2012 » April » 29 » April 29th, 1992 -- Where were you?
9:42 AM
April 29th, 1992 -- Where were you?
The phrase that goes with this post may be completely unknown to you. Yet, it also may be a tragic reminder of the worse day in your life. One shall never know. Unless you tell them of course. But April 29th, 1992 is a day that has gone down in history as one of the most violent days ever. It was all caused due to the huge racial tension that was occurring in Los Angeles due to the Rodney King beating and the subsequent trial of the police officers involved.

For me I was a young boy who had just celebrated his ninth birthday nine days earlier. Completely unaware of the occurrence that was happening outside my pre-teen life. I was way too young to understand what was racial tension or for that matter to understand how to hate another person. I was barely aware of the differences between a Hot Wheels and a Matchbox car.

Yet there was a nine year old boy who was a world away from me in Los Angeles who was fearing for his life. Nine days after his ninth birthday he wasn't wondering the difference between Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, he was wondering the difference between having to hide inside his house or to walk to school.

Do I know this person personally? Is there such a person out there who was the same age as me at the same time? I don't know. But it does seemingly make one wonder. If there is, was or why would anyone even think that there couldn't be is beyond me.

The day for me doesn't mean much. Yet maybe it does for you. But then who knows? Maybe your day on April 29th, 1992 holds something different. Could it have been a day that holds a different kind of memory for you? Maybe. For me it did. What about you? Where you even born then?

Can you imagine if someone was born 9 months after this event? Do you know anyone born in January 29th, 1993?

Well after a long search the Hachland News team got to the core of it all and found that there is a major celebrity who was born about 9 months after the tragic event.

The star of The Ring movies, he also starred in a Owen Wilson movie and will soon be starring in Zombie Roadkill. Which is well, a ironic pun and a travesty of sorts too.

Well, this kids name is David Dorfman. And his parents are down right wrong!

But then again I don't know his parents names so let's make fun of him!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Category: Government Warning | Views: 893 | Added by: hach | Rating: 0.0/0
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