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Main » 2012 » April » 26 » Bringing Back The Top Hat
11:48 AM
Bringing Back The Top Hat

Sometimes the world repeats itself constantly from tie-died shirts coming back to other things that we are ultimately embarrassed to admit we wore coming back into fashion. Now it's time to bring back class. It's time to bring back the top hat!

The top hat was created centuries ago and has since faded from the public viewing. Usually only seen around this time a year by douchebags going to their prom. However it's history is symbolized with upper class and respectful men. Historically it's death is magnified during President John F. Kennedy's term. It's fall from grace actually began even earlier.

Forever and a day before the top hat was part of formal wear especially for the Presidential inauguration. Up until Dwight D. Eisenhower decided not to wear one. Years later at Kennedy's inauguration though, he decided to bring it back as a way to show Eisenhower wasn't classy. Later though Kennedy would state he didn't like hats. Thus signifying to some people that we shouldn't wear hats. Maybe this has something to do with the later incident Kennedy was involved with.

Now while top hats aren't part of the norm in today's day in age, baseball hats are. We see numerous people wearing them from major league baseball players to minor league baseball players. And there's nothing wrong with baseball hats, I've been personally known to wear baseball hats. But top hats, as we should all know is the most classy thing ever. It's time we should bring them back.

So go out and tell your friends to buy a top hat. It's time for us to stop being grimly and start being classy!
Category: Eat The Brain | Views: 2635 | Added by: hach | Tags: Top Hat, Style, JFK, swag, Class | Rating: 0.0/0
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