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Main » 2012 » June » 2 » iMpact Live - Oh I Almost Forgot
2:29 PM
iMpact Live - Oh I Almost Forgot

Best part of iMpact Live was this... Nope... not Madison Rayne... sorry.. although it is quite interesting... hopefully they're bringing in more awesome ROH type talent... But then again... Maybe they're bringing.... Ehhh.. I don't... But what I do know is that the match of the night is and has been any and every time he's been on iMpact TV is the one the only... AUSTIN ARIES!!!!

Yes, that's right... the man who came to save iMpact is Austin Aries... Much better than Goldberg back in the mid 90s... Much bigger than Rhino in ECW.... And definitely most definitely better than THE ROCK!!! Hmm... one of those three men will be overly happy to be mentioned in my mentioning of the others... Yes.. it will be The Rock... He always looked up to Rhino....

But for rizzle... Austin Aries is the X Division... He is also the champion... The X Divison has died off as of recently.. and speaking of things that have passed on.. the tag team of the Motor City Machine Guns has passed on with Alex Shelly decieded it's in his best interest to part ways with team iMpact... thus leaving Chris Sabin out on his own... Yes, that's nice of Alex... You would have never seen Hawk do that to Animal... Even as how crazy as Steroid Scotty is he would never have done that to the Dog Face Gremlin... Flyboy Rocco Rock wouldn't have done that... Stevie Ray wouldn't have left his brother.... I'm sorry.. maybe Shelly thinks he is being held down and wants to go on to greener grass... But then again it's like they always say the grass isn't always greener... I mean just look at Christian and his move to WWE..... WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!!

So Sabin the former 4 time X Division champ is back to his roots of being a singles wrestler... And well, what does TNA do? Push Sabin! Yes... Hahah.. Now this should become a feud right here.. You remember when ECW had the RVD versus Jerry Lynn bouts... Let's do this... YES!!! THE WHOLE NEW EPIC SHOW!!! HAHAHAHA....

So we've had a pretty good show... I think it's one of the best shows of any of the shows all year in either league... well... minus the Heyman stuff over on the American Network.... But there is some solid stuff happening... A lot of up side... Hopefully nothing too bad... Overall awesome...

OOOOOO... wait...

sorry son...

After all Samoa Joe did Tweet this...

So hoping it means something like a huge battle... please.........

Category: Rasslin | Views: 3108 | Added by: hach | Tags: Austin Aries, Hulk Hogan, Crimson, TNA, Madison Rayne, Chris Sabin, Samoa Joe, Impact | Rating: 0.0/0
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