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4:47 PM
Bart Simpson Ruined American Politics

The Presidential Election is now less than two years away, so you may as well start paying attention to the candidates. With somewhere around 36 announced candidates, you'd better start whittling them down now, so come November (not the next one, but the one after that) you have a pretty good idea of who to vote for. That's how I was feeling anyway, when I decided to go to John McCain's campaign website. Granted, its not really a "campaign" website, because I think he's still under what you'd call an "exploratory committee" or something along those lines. That's basically like when playing blackjack, and the dealer has an Ace showing, so you take insurance to protect your 20. McCain, in this case, is the 20, a likely winner, but before potentially embarassing himself in front of the dealer's 21 (a Hillary victory) he's simply testing the waters (taking insurance) to protect himself from embarassment. Something like that.

So anyway, back to the website. I figured I might as well sign up for his newsletter to keep up to date with what his campaign (or his explorers) are doing. Why McCain? Well, right now, to me, he's the best candidate around. He's got everything you need in a president. He's a veteran; Conservative; well-spoken; old (which likely means wise); awesome; has liver spots; etc. etc. The rest of the Republicans don't quite stack up. And then there's Obama. While a nice, sincere guy, I think he just lacks the experience necessary to run the country. Just because he has great intentions does not mean he'll be an effective leader. So McCain it is, and off to www.exploremccain.com I went.

And that's when I tried to sign up for his website, and was rejected. I thought I did something wrong, so I re-entered all the info, and hit submit again. Rejected. This time I actually looked at why I was not allowed to be a part of the list, and this is what I found:

[Click for full image]

Cummings?! Is that seriously why? Did I choose my last name? (On a side note, if I had the choice, I'd probably pick Cummings, because its great...but that's beyond the point). Thanks, wow. So apparently, even if I WAS a porn star, I can't support McCain. He doesn't like that. But I'm not one, and last time I checked, I'm not the only person named Cummings in this country, let alone this state, or this city, or this street, or this house for all that matter.

What has happened to us, that we now have to impose restrictions on email newsletters, because we think people are signing up for them under false names, as a joke? Was it all those prank calls that Bart made? I bet it was. Thanks Bart. And thanks to all you Al Coholics, Oliver Clothesoffs, I.P. Freelys, Seymour Butz, and Ivana Tinkles of the world, who have likely signed up for newsletters as a prank, and ruined it for a guy like me.
Category: Toefer Speaks | Views: 745 | Added by: Toefer | Rating: 0.0/0
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