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9:18 AM
Earth Day Is A Farce

Today is Earth Day. Today is the day I will explain why the mainstream media and well, anyone who is pro-Earth Day is actually doing the complete opposite in their support of the Earth. That they are actually doing more harm to the Earth than actually supporting and saving it.

175 countries will participate in the celebration of Earth Day which was originally began in 1970. In 2009 the United Nations decided that each year up until 2015 that April 22nd will be designated as International Mother Earth Day. Which is a long drawn out way of saying everyone is being forced to celebrate.

The difference between Earth Day and International Mother Earth Day is the amount of money spent. Basically the original concept for Earth Day is based completely on the fact of saving the planet, while the newer concept of International Mother Earth Day is based on fostering shared responsibilities to rebuild our troubled relationship with nature. Put bluntly means some of these countries have gone and destroyed the planet we're going to use the money from other countries to fix their mistakes.

Earth Day was an original concept by hippies and anti-war activist. The celebration of the day was pushed upon us by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson who wanted people to like him. It came about a year after a huge oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. With over 40 years since we've obviously learned not to have major oil spills, right?

I currently do not see how we've changed much since the creation of the event. Other than the fact that NBC has a Green Week. And other than the fact that we now don't eat our cheese burgers in non biodegradable containers. Oh, plus we now have these electric cars. Yet, those were just pushed upon us recently when gas prices hit over 4 dollars a gallon.

You see I am willing to go on a limb and state that nothing major has been done to save the earth since the creation of Earth Day. Yes, we are more green there is no doubt in that. Yet, we were on that slope any how. Meaning that in time like Darwin once said something about that we're bound to improve something along the line of survival of the fittest.

According to the EarthDay.org website, they themselves state that Earth Day 1970, which was the very first Earth Day, was sparked because they "capitalized on the emerging consciousness, channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement and putting environmental concerns front and center."

Key word in that quote is "capitalized." There was only one way a bunch of idiots could make anything a huge following, by capitalizing on it. That's what I've been trying to do here at Hachland. It's like trying to follow momentum in sports. Or roughly put, conning people to believe in something that in this instance, as in Earth Day, doesn't help one bit.

The concept is solid. Don't get me wrong here, I am all for saving mother Earth. Yet, having one day. Spending one day a year saving the earth, it just doesn't help.

Hell, even doing some research on this day in order to find out what to do. I find out according to WikiHow.com they list 15 things to do in order to celebrate this special day. The list includes planting a tree which is yes, the best thing to do in order to save the earth. REPOPULATE IT!

We also have on the list to make nature crafts like a bird house. They suggest using recycled items like used guitar strings, old orange juice carton, converting a floppy disk into a Starship Enterprise and to wear a skirt made out of old umbrellas. Wait, who still owns a floppy disk? And using used guitar strings for anything is just pure wrong. Well, then again how many people own guitars? Didn't we switch over to Guitar Hero guitars? And then again, I know birds love guitar strings.

Another selection is learn about the environment which is a perfectly good idea. Yet, another listing they mention is to reduce, reuse and recycle all day long. Which conceptually is a great idea. Although they mention all day long. Not saying start or learn how to. They bluntly mention all day long. That's a huge problem because we need to learn how to do this daily, every day. It's like the same problem we have when the word diet for came out. A diet isn't a brief change to what we eat. A diet is a complete change to what you eat. Thus Earth Day should be a complete change of what we do daily not just on Earth Day. How are we learning anything?

Other things are having children recycle their toys. Oh, yeah, that's good so they can buy new ones thus creating more clutter and garbage. Smart! Almost as throwing an Earth Day fair. That wouldn't create or cause more trash. The complete list is quite terrible. While there is a few decent tips and ideas such as teaching others and engaging others in conversation about Earth Day. I don't know how wearing green or brown can help save the Earth. Other than the opposite.

Just like the people back at EarthDay.org have suggested that you go ahead and buy one of their t-shirts so you can promote Earth Day. The concept has been ruined by the complete confusion of the original concept. Which was to save and promote saving the Earth from our destruction. Yet, it has only turned into the continued destruction of this Earth we live on.

Earth Day is a farce. Plain and simple. It's promoting the destruction of the Earth rather than the conserving of it.

Don't believe me? Read EarthDay.org's About section where they brag that since the inception of Earth Day, Jimi Hendrix has died and the Beatles broke up.

Do they really understand conceptually what they're promoting? Or are they just in it for the money?
Category: Government Warning | Views: 1476 | Added by: hach | Tags: Politics, World News, Government Warning, Earth Day | Rating: 0.0/0
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