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Main » 2008 » January » 1 » Finally... -- 02/10/04
10:41 AM
Finally... -- 02/10/04
Finally… the WWE is using their full roster!!!

With the viewing of WWE Raw this week of February 9th, 2004, I have finally concluded that WWE is leaning towards using their roster to it’s full potential.

As the show opened with a angle involving the likes of Goldberg, Steve Austin, Vincent McMahon, and Paul Heyman. The show also used matches involving Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, Rob Van Damn, as well as Randy Orton.

With the interbreeding of pure talent which has been holding it’s breath for over two years since the buyouts of WCW and ECW, has the WWE writing committee finally listened to it’s fan? Or is this just some way to swerve us and kill our emotions?

With WrestleMania now only 33 days away, we’re looking forward to one of the greatest events in wrestling and sports history. It’s the 20th one. Could it be the best 20th event ever?

The 20th Super Bowl included * and *, with the final score being *… The 20th NBA Finals show cased * and * with a * differencial. As for the 20th World Series, we saw the …

But could WrestleMania XX be the best WrestleMania ever? Chances by just grazing in, I would say: Yeah, why not. But I still don’t think they have what it takes to be the best. We obviously have a few feuds already going to be showcased on this event. Such as the return of Undertaker, the old school ‘Taker, to take on his "brother” Kane. We also have Chris Benoit taking on Triple H, or is he? Especially after last nights occurances with Shawn Michaels, one of the greatest champions ever.

Speaking of which this feud could really sizzle greatly if one man could still wrestle, damn you Goldberg, damn you McMahon, damn you…. I miss you Bret Hart.

But these things our beyond our control, yes, we’ll have some legends on the 20th instalement of WrestleMania, but should we demand more? I believe so. We’re going to have Ric Flair, Undertaker, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, and well, whoever else you think a legend is.

Oh, did I forget a legend? I think I did. Mick Foley will be included. Forget what you’ve seen recently from Mr. Foley, we all know that Mick can get demented, he can damn near die, he can lose a ear, he can do whatever it takes to win a battle. And this battle is something he has to win. Or is it?

There are so many unanswered questions that are joyfully going to be answered at WrestleMania XX. Well, we hope so. Such as well we finally see Goldberg versus Brock Lesner, ‘cause we’ve been waiting for that one forever.

Cough… Cough…

Oh, wait, no we haven’t. We’ve been waiting for Goldberg versus Austin. But with Austin’s inabillitaty to walk down the ramp way, the closes thing we will get to see Goldberg versus Austin is a possible guest referee spot by Austin in a WrestleMania XX match up against Goldberg and Lesner. Will it be a stunner?

There are so many great things that could be written out to perfecto, but we all know Vincent is in charge. And when that happens shit happens. The last choice he ever made that was at all brilliant was allowing Hogan to win WrestleMania III against Andre The Giant.

But that’s just my hatred for one man seeping out. Yet, I still do like where I see this going. Even the fact that Eddie Guerreo and Chris Benoit are both going for World Titles.

Damn, what a wet dream.

I’ve been Hach, and I’ve been On The Outside.
Category: Rasslin | Views: 577 | Added by: hach | Tags: Hachland Historical Society, wwe, Hachland Wrestling, rob van damn | Rating: 0.0/0
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