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3:22 AM
How Rick Santorum Could Have Been President

The decision has been made, words have been said and now we step back and realize Rick Santorum's Presidential Campaign was a doomed from the beginning.

Santorum, a former Senator from Pennsylvania, made the correct decision to suspend his bid to become the President. While to some it may have come way too late, it also raises a great point into why or even how Santorum could have won this election. May it be a moot point right now considering the move to not run has been made. It's still fun to try and understand which factors he could have pushed to help him win the election.

With that said, let's take a look at 5 things that could have led to Santorum becoming the 45th President of these United States.

5. Same-Sex Marriage

While in the Constitution we have a act separating religion and state. Which I and most take that you can't put religion in schools and push your religion onto others. We don't have a Constitutional act that states anything about giving two sh*ts about same-sex marriage or same-sex whatever. Maybe we should.

Anyhow, this today is a very hot topic budget. Like they say you're either down with O.B.Gay or your not. Well, it's a sad sign of our life that things like this are being overly pushed down our throats, no pun or yuck anything else intended.

Same-Sex Marriage had become a huge issues for the Santorum campaign while in his book It Takes A Family he striven to push out his "family values" thus pointing out the downfalls of same-sex marriage and same-sex relationships. Thus coming to a huge head or well, maybe the back side. As in even earlier than his book in 2003 he became a huge controversy as he compared same-sex marriage to pedophilia and bestiality.

In turn it lead to Dan Savage, no relationship to the late "Macho Man" Randy Savage, yet Dan, a "Macho Man" in his own ranks as he himself is a gay rights activist took to the internet world and set up a website and attacked Santorum by defining his name. Well, it had something to do with anal sex.

Now as I said previously, you are either for same sex-marriage or against it. As it's quite obvious that Santorum isn't only strongly against it, he's also attempted numerous ways to attack not only same-sex couples but comparing it to numerous illegal and completely non-moral things.

Bringing us to the conclusion that the Same-Sex Marriage topic is a negative point to the Santorum campaign. So maybe going back in time and keeping in mind the old Seinfeld quote "Not that there's anything wrong with it" should have been a strong thought and saying in his life. Instead of referring to same-sex marriage as pedophilia.

4. Pornography

The hot topic issue from the 1970s or even the 1870s is a huge part of Santorum's "family values" campaign. He promised a "war on porn" if elected according to The Huffington Post. Yet, a war that would be the biggest defeat to anyone one side since the Jedi's defeated the Darth Vader. Sorry, I've never watched Star Wars outside of Family Guy.

Via his website it has been referred that the Obama Administration turned a blind eye to the porn situation. May this be a pun in action or even a loose jab at the act of what males do during the viewing of pornography and the old mothers tale of "you'll go blind." Who knows? Yes, maybe the Santorum campaign. But this seems like the same game that same-sex pro-Dan Savage pushed.

Less than a month ago another post was uploaded to his website "a wealth of research"....

Wait a minute, come on dude. Seriously? A wealth of research? Did Santorum get caught whacking it by his wife or kids even? How could you come out with a phrase like a wealth of research? That's just wrong.

Almost as wrong as saying you're going to start a war on porn. A war that you will ultimately lose. There's no point in this world to demand the ultra change and complete elimination of the porn business. It's like saying I think we should stop selling donuts. Hell, even cigarettes. We've known for well over 50 years that cigarettes are bad. Yet, they're still here and being sold to billions of people.

Now how would have Santorum gone to fight the war on porn? He would have ordered his attorney general to "vigorously enforce" the laws already in place. That's it? Come on, seriously?

3. Separation of church and state

While mostly in this list of things that could have helped Santorum become the President it's been a list of DO NOT. We continue the theme. Now a huge hot button issue for the entire well, the entire tenure of this country that we live in is and has been religion. Thus the creation of this creation and the Quakers looking out for this country and finding it.

Now, yes, while we defeated the red coats aka the British to actually seemingly become a free country. We first found this country to escape their scrutiny of our religious views. Yet, Santorum believes we should have that scrutiny back?

He has stated "I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute." Santorum continued, "The First Amendment means the free exercise of religion and that means bringing people and their faith into the public square."

Even if they're religion is gay? Or filled with porn? See Santorum maybe they're right about you. Maybe you just don't get it. Yes, you may have had the balls or maybe it's the retardation of being bold enough to come out and say these things. But these are hot topic issues, I feel like Muslims push their beliefs on me. Hell, I feel odd walking around my local grocery store when I come to the Kosher section.

Okay, I admit that these are just slight small things I have to deal with. After all if they have to deal with a huge Christmas tree that symbolizes nothing about any religion than so be it.

2. Reproductive Rights

Okay going into the 4th subject of things Santorum should have done to successfully become a President have been things he shouldn't have done or said. So let's continue the theme. Reproductive rights formerly known as Wade v. Roe have always been a hot button issue.

While there's either pro-choice or pro-life we always look at the cup half-full instead of half-empty. Instead of calling them anti-choice or anti-life in which would be easier to understand than both being pro, we should just start calling them anti. Anti is the Pro way.

Either way the Santorum campaign with it's "family values" has changed the man. Wait, what? Yes, we have a flip-flopper here. Remember that term? I obviously do. Because here we are talking about Rick "I'm a flip flopper" Santorum and his flip-flopping on a major issue.

He used to be pro-choice, which in our line of wording right now is anti-life, before his congress run. Now has since jumped on the pro-life bus or the Anti-Choice Bus. While it's a huge hot topic issue it should be nicely done and not thought of. Because seriously do you ever want to come down to the conclusion that I must kill the baby to save the world or even if I kill the baby I will destroy the world.

It's a tough, tough world. And that choice isn't one I would like to make personally. But I'm saying right now I'm both Pro-Choice and Pro-Life. I would just hate to be Anti anything.

While this issue is slightly compared to the thoughts of the death penalty because usually it's the people who are pro-life in the reproductive rights thought they are usually anti-life in the death penalty category. For Santorum he actually went down the right road here.

No, not the right road meaning Republican. He went right down the middle and this is how he should have acted towards every major hot button issue. Yes, it's not right to walk the fence, but his thoughts on the death penalty are dead on.

He's against it if the criminal isn't actually a criminal. Yet, he's all for it "when there is certainty."

1. Family Values

So we've gone through numerous reasons why Rick Santorum's Presidential campaign was leading to the road it has eventually turned we originally meant to look at things that could have helped him become a President.

His strongest point in the entry of all his views has been one thing - family. As a father of seven children it's obviously his main concern. Now he's not like Jim Duggar with nearly 20 mouths to feed, he has his problems too.

In a world where the average family has less than 2 children and a large percentage of which grow up without either a mother or a father or even a normal family structure Santorum has found a way to lead his family in the core family values.

While to some his issues on hot button issues is completely wrong his views on family are correct. Now there is one gray area in my mind personally. Is the home schooling. While five of his children were attending the Western Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School, a school in which the use of the internet is used to help aid children from home to be schooled, a major issue of this came up in 2004.

It came out that the Penn Hills School District, in which was the district that one of the family's home was in was asking that the Santorum's repay $67,000 worth of tuition costs due to the belief the family didn't live in the area anymore, which ultimately came to 80% of the cost of schooling the children from home. While disputed the assessment and not actually paying the money asked for Santorum pulled his children out of the cyber school and in since home schooling them. The Pennsylvania Department of Education in order to settle the dispute paid around $55,000.

While this may be a gray area in my mind, it's not the fact that I believe his children shouldn't be taught. Or he a man who made an estimated $880,000 to $3 million dollars should have payed more for his families education. I guess that becomes my gray area because maybe there was taxes he payed for. I'm not sure, I haven't done the research.

However the facts are for that, the core values Santorum holds closely are family. And well, that's what ultimately forced him to drop his run. Not the fact that he was being pushed out of the campaign due to lack of votes. But because his 8th child, 7th currently still alive was fighting for her life.

His wife at the age of 48 gave birth to their 8th child in 2008, a daughter named Isabella. She has been since diagnosed with a serious genetic disorder that has a survival rate of 10%. It's called Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18), which trying to escape the jokes of a former Presidential candidate in John Edwards brings us to the conclusion to was first discovered by a John Edwards, a John Hilton Edwards.

This evil diagnosis has spun the Santorum family in a great wide world of misery. Thus leading to Santorum's biggest plus to become the 45th President has become the reason he won't become the 45th President. His family.

While I don't believe in a lot of the things that Santorum has attempted us to believe and I don't overly think he's a Presidential type he has showcased us a great strength in surviving this long in the attempt.

Did I personally believe that Santorum would have survived to become the Republicans choice? No. Do I think his Republican opponents will become President? I don't know, I'm not a fortune teller. But I can tell you one thing for Santorum to ever become a political force again he must remember one thing, one word to be exact --- FAMILY.

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