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Main » 2012 » April » 16 » Issue 1 - Volume 1
8:43 AM
Issue 1 - Volume 1

Well, it's here, it's here, it's here. Hmm.. that last line sounded much better inside my head rather than on the paper. I mean, website, eh, whatever, I should learn how to use a backspace button.

Either way here it is the long awaited first edition first copy ever of HachMag. HachMag you ask? What is this new creation? Well, it is just that a new creation. Its going to mark what happened in the past week here on Hachland in case you couldn't keep up or happened to be away from your computer or Hachland for whatever reason. We're just trying to help you out with connecting better with us here at Hachland. Because that's all we care about here... is you. You loving us! YES! YES! Whoa....

Any ways, It will also act as a little update for things happening in and around Hachland like new aqucstions we made like how we just didn't sign a big new pitcher to a big new ten year deal not worth 10 million dollars.... Wait, did we? I'll have to check with the legal board on that one.

But instead of digging around looking and getting all confused I will link everything that has been updated in the past week and well, just make it much simpler for you the reader. Because I'm nice like that.

So any ways as you see we've changed things around majorly here at Hachland. Wait, you haven't noticed the sudden change in the past month or so? I guess you weren't around a few months earlier.....

Okay, okay, moving on let's look at the new articles slash postings slash whatever you want to call them we used to call them babbles but I don't know why. Okay, let's post a few links:

Barenaked Sitcoms
The Titanic was a conspiracy
What Do You Think The World Owes You
Should I advise a hat while friending my Korean Mexican?
Friday The Three Stooges
How Rick Santorum Could Have Been President
The Mitt Romney Speech

Along with all of that fun we've even seen another new section. I call it HachMe, it's a collection of pictures, images and what have you that I've or the people in and around Hachland has created. Yes, I know I could have just simply called it pictures or images, but HachMe is cool. Plus it's a play on internet meme. Instead of calling it meme, I call it HachMe. You see. I do. So go see, you'll never know what goes in there, because there's millions added daily or just a couple. Have any ideas for new ones comment here or contact me through Facebook!!

Speaking of social networking have you noticed that Hachland is on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus and MySpace!! Plus we're in talks about joining more social networking groups. Can you suggest any?

We have a huge following starting in the land of the youngest social networking kingpin known as Pinterest. And we're having a ball doing it! I highly suggest checking out all of our social networking connections!

Advertising is something we here at Hachland has strived to get away from but now we must submit to it. Wait, why? It's simple because before, even now we're hosted freely by web hosts and that's usually one of their requirements that you submit to their advertisers. But now we need your help and click and support on our advertisers!! We have two banners in which you can help us here at Hachland help you! They're located on the left near the bottom and then one right at the bottom of the page. Please click them so you can see more of Hachland and more from Hachland. Because you never ever EVER know what you can expect from Hachland if you don't support Hachland. Hey maybe I will ask you for help.

Speaking of help, do you want to work for Hachland? If so let's do it! Come out and work for Hachland! We are always looking for more contributors who like writing, posting and submitting. Deadlines? We don't have any! Well, unless you are doing say predictions you should probably submit them before the event occurs. I think the readers would call you a liar if you didn't.

We're also looking for someone to help around with the past. Or Hachland Historically Society is looking for that. As always contact us, comment or do whatever else you can to try and contact us here at Hachland.

Oh and don't forget to look around Hachland! Tell us what you like you don't like and don't forget the Ape Forum! It's where all of your friends are hanging out!

Category: HachMag | Views: 769 | Added by: hach | Tags: hachmag | Rating: 0.0/0
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