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Main » 2012 » March » 27 » Jaywalking: The Biggest Crime
8:35 AM
Jaywalking: The Biggest Crime
There is a huge crisis going on in this country and probably every single country EVER! And it's time it's addressed and changed and altered and well we need a remedy for this.

You see since moving to the big city I've realized a every day problem that is well, everyone's problem. No, no. It's not some random whack job causing the biggest racial uproar since well, since at least the entire Rodney King tragedy.

But that's a topic I don't even know I'm allowed to touch.

Yet, this one... oh, this one hits very close to home, because well, these people are ruining my life. Destroying my chances of texting and driving. And by gosh, they're making it very, very difficult for anyone and I mean anyone to go out and just well, drive.

No. They're not the police. Yet, they are at major trouble here too. These people are simply the jaywalkers. No, not the idiots that Jay Leno find. But the people that make it their mission to play Frogger and try to run across the street to prove that not only a chicken is capable of doing so.

Now more than ever is this a growing problem. This is a problem I didn't think was a problem. But now, as I live in this huge big city and not on a dirt road with a telephone line a mile down the road, have I discovered this growing problem.

Yes, I understand that some people do not have the how you say luxury of owning a car or bike or whatever type of transportation that's not provided by the state or local government. Well, I'm mainly talking about the people who ride the bus.

So you are poor. Big surprise. It could be the reasoning of you running across the street that could have shown me this major sign. I don't understand why in the world you would risk your life to do this.

Yes, I understand. You are a idiot. Okay, big whoopee. Don't ruin mine because you are too stupid to well, not ruin your own.

Why do we need this? It's simple we need for people to stop running across the street. There has been millions if not billions of dollars put in place to honor your safety. We have these things called crosswalk. We as drivers have this belief that maybe, hell, probably you as the person in need to cross the road will need to use these. And well, that you will.

Please stop! Stop running across the street. It's rush hour. Hell, I've seen this done at 11 o'clock at night. What the hell am I supposed to do? Can I see you? Can you see me? Yes, I'm driving in a thousand pound machine. I have two small lights showing me where I'm going.


Because you are not. The entire deer population have learned one thing. They can dodge a car, but they can not dodge a bullet. Well, they should have. We did have that small public out cry a few years back. I think they called it the Bambi Initiative.

Do we need to go out and fix this problem? How many peoples lives will be turned upside down?

How stupid are you the jaywalker?


Why are you grabbing your kids hand and pulling them across the street. Hell, that little girl knows better, why don't you?

I see this every single day. It's an outrage!! Why must I risk my life so some idiot can go ahead and break the law?

I don't see how this isn't a major crime. I don't understand why I've seen police officers just nonchalantly drive by and not do anything. There should be something majorly done with this. And by major I mean it.

Why don't we as a people gang together and put an end to this? I don't have a simple solution mine will be easy. It will cost money though. And it will take well, it will take some harsh penalties.

First thing I would do, if a person is caught jaywalking... Their punishment will be simple. They will be placed in jail. And this is where the fun begins....

They will not be able to use the cellphone. Nope, you've lost all privileged of being a free person. You wanted to die.

They will be placed into the care of a psychologist. They're head will definitely be shrunk, shrinked and whatever else those witch doctors do.

As for their family? Oh, this is where it will get fun. They will not be told what has happened.

To them the person has died.

Wait, maybe I should put a spin on it.

They will be told. They will be informed by a uniformed officer. And what will this officer tell them?


"Sorry, but you're family member or friend, has died. They were a very stupid person and unable to grasp the concept that a motor vehicle has a great chance of killing them if they try and run out in front of them. So for this I am sorry. And hope you yourself are not as stupid."

Yes, they most be informed that the person is stupid and that themselves are stupid.


These people need the wake up call. We can not sit idle and let this tragedy continue anymore! We must end it now!

If you know someone who does this... kidnap them. Yes, kidnap them. And call their family and tell them that they are indeed stupid and dead. Because they thought a car wouldn't kill them.

Category: Government Warning | Views: 704 | Added by: hach | Rating: 0.0/0
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