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10:34 AM
Ring Of Shame -- 03/05/04
There are things in this world you just do not do.

But I suppose that’s why we have laws, because people break them. Just like they break an unwritten code of ethics, morals and the basic understand of how the world works. Why can’t everyone just follow those rules?

It makes me sick to think that one man could be so sick, so deprived, so perverted to even attempt to ‘cause such a dent into our society of life. How could someone do something like that and think "It’s okay.”

Well, it isn’t just "okay”, it’s vile.

And you would think that someone who has obviously viewed a large amount of wrestling tapes, and who not only owns his own business in which videos and dvds are sold of famous wrestling events, but added to that owns his own small wrestling federation would get the picture.

Would understand that touching or attempting to touch little boys is not right, it’s wrong. Rob Feinstien the owner of RF Video and a Phillidapliha based wrestling federation known as Ring Of Honor, wasn’t targeted, but was caught.

How he got caught was this, he tried to talk to a 14-year-old little boy and attempted to perform sexual contact with the boy. While showing the boy pictures of himself while talking in a online chat room. What’s even more disturbing is he had attempted to visit the boy for a possible meeting which a possible sex act of some sort would have been performed.

Yes, this is sick, this is disturbing. But who are we to say right? WRONG! Dead wrong. There are things you just do not do. You don’t jump off a bridge, you don’t steal, you don’t spit against the wind, you don’t do thing that you will get you into serious trouble.

Such as the case we have here with Mr. Feinstien, a man that one would think had a head on his shoulders, who obviously was and is a good business man. Hell, as I said earlier he was the owner of RF Video and ROH, he would get mass amounts of wrestlers of all ages, of all talents, from all over the world to come and participate in. There’s no doubt something went wrong, or is this the same man who day in and day out would involve himself in the loving of underage males?

This damn well gives a black eye to the sport of wrestling. Notice I said sport. There is no way this can’t. The only way this can’t is if it doesn’t become world wide knowledge. If with WWE’s big WrestleMania XX celebration just a few days away can over come this dent to the legacy of wrestling, then maybe wrestling isn’t dead. And it won’t have a black eye, but just a scratch.

Feinstien isn’t a dumb man, one would have thought. With the running of a show the day before WrestleMania and having former WWE Superstar Rowdy Roddy Piper, participate in numerous events including a autograph session, a Q&A with the fans, and much more.

As you may remember Roddy Piper has participated in numerous WrestleMania’s including the very first where he and "Cowboy” Bob Orton tagged up to face the dou of Hulk Hogan and Mr. T.

The Ring Of Honor event is called Do Or Die 2. With other former WWE superstars as Justin Credible who has played the character Aldo Montoya as well as Justin Credible in the WWE; as well as Jerry Lynn who formerly wrestled for ECW and WCW under the name as Mr. JL, he had a mask too.

But with all this billing and just 13 days away from this event, Mr. Feinstien had the nerve, the all out nerve to not only attempt to talk to a 14-year-old boy in a chat room for Homosexuals, but continued onward and attempted to meet with the boy. To discuss what? We don’t know. All we know is what could of happened.

Luckily for us, and for every 14-year-old boy out there the entire thing was a bust from the beginning. The local Phillidaphila NBC affiliate and a website known as Perverted-Justicie.com joined forces like they have in the past to attempt to stop the possible from becoming reality.

As of last knowledge Rob Feinstien has yet to be charged with any crimes at all, but his reputation is quite tarnished. For hey, I’ve been to a Ring Of Honor show, I’ve actually been to three of them. I didn’t find out about it on a television, or a raido, or a newspaper, I found out about it through the internet. And that’s going to be the toughest hit for Ring of Honor and Feinstien, that the internet was their biggest supporter, but now it could be their biggest pain.

Maybe Feinstein should have named the event Do And Die. For what he attempted to do, is the only solution I know of.
Category: Rasslin | Views: 562 | Added by: hach | Tags: ROH, Hachland Historical Society | Rating: 0.0/0
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