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Main » 2012 » April » 27 » Ron Paul -- Still A Dream
10:58 PM
Ron Paul -- Still A Dream
There is a sad realization that some of us have to make when our dreams don't come true. That well, the dream is just that. A DREAM!

Now we all have felt this and feared this time. This is a incident that well, some people are starting to feel this now. Those people are the Republican candidates running for President of the United States. Oh, and the people supporting them too!

We've see Mitt Romney move into the lead as the Republican candidate. Yet the dream is still alive for two men, well, three if you haven't believed Newt Gingrich's quitting next week.

But besides Newt and Mitt we have another candidate still alive. Yes, Ron Paul. A person that numerous have joined the ranks of rooting for him. A man who according to PitThat.com has won numerous delegates. A man who's online love is incredibly high, yet who doesn't seem to receiving any love from well, the mainstream.

Ron Paul is being treated like the other cousin. Meaning we've all heard the rumors and even stories from relatives that "Oh, cousin Luke is so much better than you." Or "Cousin Luke tied his shoes today"

Even though Cousin Luke per say is in jail or is 53 years old. It just makes one laugh and wonder. But then again that's what we have going on in the race for the Republican candidacy.

We probably won't see Ron Paul chosen to be the Republican nominee but his online and younger generation following is fairly strong. Yet, is it strong enough to take the White House?

Probably not. But there is the hope. The hope is there. That's all that we care for.

Now, one looking on the outside not understanding whats going on. Well, meaning Ron Paul seems old. Yet, he has an odd following on the internet which is statistically a younger generation use.

Meaning the entire world of thought is flipped upside down. Maybe people as in the younger people think Ron Paul is cool because he's old. Or maybe yet again, maybe the younger people are just reading whats going on. They're more comfortable with Ron Paul.

But why!?

Well, the belief is that Ron Paul tells the truth. People don't want the Government telling them what to do. While Mitt Romney is the statuesque. He reminds people of their boss. As for Obama?

Well, nobody likes him. That's a Republican that is.

So go out and vote. Support who you want to support. But know this.

Odd? Yes!
Category: Government Warning | Views: 1176 | Added by: hach | Tags: Politics, PitThat, Newt Gingrich, Government Warning, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Coaster  
Ron Paul has gained more popularity in the four years after the 2008 campaign than any other time. The r3VO_Iution only has up to go.

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