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Main » 2008 » January » 1 » The Great Hamburger
4:28 PM
The Great Hamburger

Why didn't Charles Schultz ever write about this one?

Ah, what a lovely thing... I would love to get my hands on that one. It's incredible right? How big that is... It's great!

To note.. this picture is linked from a website using my initials... HOW RUDE! Or cool?

So basically... this is a hamburger weighing 123 pounds.. Which as you may or may not know is like a huge amount of weight.. It's like 40 percent of Artie Lange!

This thing contains a beef patty weighing in at 80 pounds add on a 30 pound bun. And oh, don't forget the 160 slices of cheese, five onions, 12 tomatoes and one pound of each lettuce, ketchup, relish, mustard and mayonnaise.

Although I put on about a pound of mayonnaise on a regular 8 ounce hamburger.

This thing can be found at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, Pennslyvania and it only costs a cheap little amount of 369 dollars. Cheap right?

So yeah, I'd like to eat it. Wouldn't you?
Category: Analyze 101 | Views: 610 | Added by: hach | Rating: 0.0/0
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