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Main » 2012 » March » 4 » Vladimir Putin
9:36 PM
Vladimir Putin

 I'm a dumb Russian!

I'm not a Soviet Russian!


Hail Me! Hail Me!

Now while I'm not big into the daily life of a Russian. I do know one thing... Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mikhail Gorbachev have some big shoes to fill. And foreheads to fill too!

After all the Russians aren't in a Soviet world anymore. No more communism red, yet in the day and age of that being all done and over with Putin has some how been elected to a third term as President. Plus the brief time he wasn't President, he was basically second in command, as the Prime Minister...

I'm not sure how the Russians way of politics are, but if they have both a Prime Minister and a President, it must get confusing. I mean I get the whole Prime Minister and Queen thing that England has. I get the whole President and Vice President thing we have. I just don't get Russians.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Russians, they make some good vodka. But then again, that former Ghostbuster is making some pretty good vodka. Heck, even this Putin guy has some vodka named after him, it's called Putinka vodka. If we had that over here people would be greatly confused. Pu-Tinka Vodka. It's vodka that makes one poo and tinkle all at once.

Yet, this Putin guy, I think he looks like a dolt. I mean honestly, who would want this guy to be the leader? Is it like in High School when you always went with the dorky guy to do your homework? Is that what this is?

He is a very out going guy though. Very fit. As Russian man would say.

He's done numerous adventures.... Like he sedated a tiger... I don't know why.. maybe to make Pugers.... You know how they've cross breed Tigers and Lions, maybe he was trying to cross breed him and Tigers... I'm not sure, no Russian Doctor here.

He sings, he dances, he ice skates, he's your regular dandy man. Or as Russian say. Wimpy Man!

Maybe not, I'm not sure.

Either way, for being a leader of a former communist nation, he's really taken that communist thing for a run here. I really don't understand how he can continue to run the nation and be okay with it.

I mean, yeah, I would love to be President of the United States, and I would love for it to last forever! I guess he's got a point.

Just not sure how this fits under the entire "Disassociation Way" category...

Maybe it was all a big swerve? Maybe Russian will lead Hachland one day.

Or maybe someone just wanted to see Putin topless.

Me like topless Russian.

Category: Disassociation Way | Views: 622 | Added by: hach | Rating: 0.0/0
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