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Main » 2012 » April » 14 » What Do You Think The World Owes You
9:08 AM
What Do You Think The World Owes You

In this world in which we currently live in, not the one 10 years ago or 100 some odd years ago, but today, the one that is happening right now outside of your door. We are seeing the world has changed its moral beliefs, and by moral I mean just what they mean as in right and wrong. It's all changed completely and it's starting to destroy the entire fabric of our world.

From the news media to random people on the street it's a growing problem and it needs to take a step back and recognize that its at fault and it needs to stop because well, it sucks!

Fifty some odd years ago we had this President, he went by the name of John F. Kennedy. I don't remember him all that much seeing as it wouldn't be for over 20 years until I was born. But he had a speech and during this speech he said "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country"

Maybe this is a statement that needs to be stated once again. For the world we live in is beginning to falter on the belief that someone else owes them something. That they should be given something more than what they're given.

Wake up buddy! If you want something go out and get it. Work for it. Strive for it. Just don't show up and expect them to hand out medals just because you took the time to get off your proverbial ass.

There is a lot of talent in this world, a lot! Numerous of which don't just rest on what they've accomplished and say "OH, WELL" Throughout history you will read that numerous thoughts, beliefs and actions have been done by a few rare people.

Meaning you look at the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin hell even Benedict Arnold. Arnold whose name is now infamous for being a traitor had a life outside of being a traitor. He was a war hero! With even a memorial in his honor in Saratoga, New York.

While Arnold's life has been altered throughout the years since his death. He has since become known more of an evil type of person than what he really was, a man uncertain of where to go. A man who was out to find what people owed him and not just sitting back asking for it. But being man enough to go out and get it!

My idea of a world not made of people asking what can you do for me or people thinking that world owes them something is supported by the show Mad Men. In the 4th season's 7th episode entitled "The Suitcase". The episode revolves around the main character Don Draper who is played by Jon Hamm and Peggy Olson who is played by Elisabeth Moss.

You see Hamm's character Draper is the main stay, the boss if you will. As for Moss' character Olson she's the up and comer the protegee almost. And at one point in the episode the conversation gets quite heated and the following dialogue occurs:

Don Draper: "It’s your job. I give you money, you give me ideas.”

Peggy Olson: "And you never say thank you.”

Don Draper: "That’s what the money is for!”

This works out perfectly for what I'm attempting you to understand. If you get paid to do something then do it. If you think someone should treat you better or thank you, just think that's what the money is for.

Yes, this theory is slightly altered when your working for a corporation. But the idea is still there.

So please, please, please.... STOP and THINK! What are you asking for? Are you giving all of yourself? Or are you just showing up!?

To fully understand what the world owes you... you must first understand what you're giving the world. Are you giving the world anything? Are you giving the world something more than it had before? Or are you just resting on your laurels?

But with that asked are your laurels good at all? Do you laurels and morals go hand and hand? Or do they just show up to well, I had to show up?

I guess I'm still asking what do you think the world owes you?

Category: Hachism | Views: 912 | Added by: hach | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 King  
Interesting. Though, if I were Peggy, I would quit Don's company on the spot and go my own way. Then I would take Don's clients and proceed to put Don out of business.

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